The Church in Tampa

March 27, 2018

2 Corinthians 4:16  2 Corinthians 5:15

16 Therefore we do anot lose heart; but though our 1bouter man is 2decaying, yet our 1cinner man is being 3drenewed day by day.

17 For our amomentary lightness of 1affliction works out for us, 2more and more surpassingly, an 3eternal weight of 4bglory,

18 Because we do not regard the 1things which are aseen but the 2things which are bnot seen; for the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are ceternal.


1 1For we know that if our 2earthly 3atabernacle dwelling is taken down, we have a 4building 5from God, a 6dwelling bnot made with hands, ceternal, 7din the heavens.

2 For also in 1this we agroan, longing to be 2clothed upon with our 3dwelling place 4from heaven,

3 If indeed, being clothed, we will not be found 1anaked.

4 For also, we who are in this tabernacle groan, being 1aburdened, 2in that we do not desire to be unclothed, but clothed upon, that 3what is bmortal may be 4cswallowed up by life.

5 Now He who has 1wrought us for this very thing is God, who has given to us the Spirit as a 2apledge.

6 Therefore being always of good courage and knowing that while we are 1at home in the body, we are 1abroad from the Lord

7 (For we 1walk by afaith, not by 2bappearance) —

8 We are of good courage then and are well pleased rather 1to be aabroad from the body and at home with the Lord.

9 Therefore also we are 1determined, whether 2at home or abroad, to gain the honor of being awell pleasing to Him.

10 1For we must all be amanifested before the 2bjudgment seat of Christ, that each one may 3creceive the things done 4through the body according to what he has practiced, whether good or 5bad.

11 1Knowing therefore the 2afear of the Lord, we 3persuade men, but we are made manifest to God; yet I hope that we are made manifest also in your bconsciences.

12 We are not again acommending ourselves to you, but so speak in order to give you an opportunity to bboast on our behalf, that you may 1have an answer for those who are cboasting in doutward 2appearance and not in 3eheart.

13 For whether we were 1abeside ourselves, it was to God; or whether we are 2bsober-minded, it is cfor you.

14 For the 1alove of Christ 2constrains us because we 3have judged this, that 4bOne died for all, 5therefore call died;

15 And He adied for all that those who blive may 1no longer live to themselves but 2cto Him who died for them and has been raised.

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