The Church in Tampa

April 1, 2018

2 Corinthians 10:7  2 Corinthians 11:7

7 You look at things aaccording to their appearance. If someone 1has confidence in himself to be bof Christ, let him take account of this again concerning himself, that even as he is cof Christ, dso also are we.

8 For even if I should aboast somewhat more abundantly concerning our bauthority, which the Lord has given for 1cbuilding you up and not for overthrowing you, I will not be put to shame.

9 I say this so as not to seem as if I am terrifying you through my letters,

10 Because while his letters, someone says, are weighty and strong, his abodily presence is 1bweak and his cspeech 2contemptible.

11 Let such a one take account of this, that such as we are in word by letters when absent, such also we are in deed when present.

12 For we do not adare to class or compare ourselves with any of those who bcommend themselves; but they, measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves with themselves, are without understanding.

13 But we will 1not aboast beyond our measure but 2according to the measure of the 3rule which the God of measure has bapportioned to us, to reach even as far as you.

14 For we are not 1extending ourselves beyond our bounds, as if we did not reach you, for we were the first to acome even as far as unto you in the bgospel of Christ.

15 We are anot boasting beyond our measure in bothers’ labors, but have the hope, as your faith is increasing, to be 1magnified in you according to our rule unto abundance,

16 So that we may announce the gospel unto those parts beyond you, not so that we may boast in another man’s rule in things already prepared.

17 But he who aboasts, let him boast in the Lord;

18 For it is not the one who acommends himself who is bapproved, but the one whom the Lord commends.


1 I wish that you would abear with me in a little 1bfoolishness; but indeed you do bear with me.

2 For I am jealous over you with a 1ajealousy of God; for I bbetrothed you to one husband to cpresent you as a pure 2dvirgin to Christ.

3 But I fear lest somehow, as the aserpent bdeceived cEve by his dcraftiness, your 1ethoughts would be corrupted from the 2fsimplicity and the gpurity toward Christ.

4 For if indeed he who comes preaches 1aanother Jesus, whom we have not preached, or you receive a 1bdifferent spirit, which you have not received, or a 1cdifferent gospel, which you have not accepted, you dbear 2well with him.

5 But I count myself to be inferior to the 1asuper-apostles in nothing.

6 But even if I am a 1layman in aspeech, yet I am not in bknowledge; indeed in every way we have made this cmanifest in all things to you.

7 Or did I commit a sin, abasing myself that you might be exalted, because I announced the gospel of God to you afree of charge?

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