April 11, 2018

Posted on April 11, 2018

April 11, 2018

Galatians 6:11  Ephesians 1:12

11 See with what 1large letters I have written to you with my aown hand.

12 As many as desire to make a 1good show 2in the flesh, these compel you to be acircumcised, but only that they may not be bpersecuted for the ccross of Christ.

13 For neither do they that become circumcised akeep the law themselves, but they desire you to be circumcised that they may boast bin your flesh.

14 But far be it from me to aboast except in the 1bcross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through 2whom the 3world has been ccrucified to me and I to the world.

15 For neither is 1acircumcision anything nor uncircumcision, but a 1bnew creation is what matters.

16 And as many as 1walk by this 2arule, 3bpeace be upon them and mercy, even upon the 4cIsrael of God.

17 Henceforth let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the 1abrands of Jesus.

18 The 1agrace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your 2spirit, 3bbrothers. Amen.



1 1Paul, an aapostle of Christ Jesus through the 2will of God, to the 3bsaints who are 4in cEphesus and are 5dfaithful in Christ Jesus:

2 1aGrace to you and 2peace from 3God our bFather and the 4cLord Jesus Christ.

3 1aBlessed be the 2bGod and Father of 3our Lord Jesus Christ, who has 4blessed us 5with every 6spiritual 7blessing in the 8cheavenlies 9in Christ,

4 Even as He 1achose us in Him 2bbefore the foundation of the world to be 3choly and 4without blemish 5before Him 6in 7dlove,

5 1aPredestinating us unto 2bsonship 3through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the 4cgood pleasure of His dwill,

6 To the 1apraise of the 2bglory of His cgrace, with which He 3graced us in the 4dBeloved;

7 In whom we have 1aredemption through His bblood, the 2cforgiveness of doffenses, according to the eriches of His grace,

8 Which He caused to 1abound to us in all 2awisdom and prudence,

9 1Making known to us the 2amystery of His bwill 3according to His cgood pleasure, which He 4dpurposed in Himself,

10 Unto the 1aeconomy of the 2fullness of the times, to 3bhead up all things in 4Christ, the cthings in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him;

11 In whom also we 1were designated as an ainheritance, having been 2bpredestinated according to the 3cpurpose of the One who works all things according to the 4counsel of His 4dwill,

12 That we would be to the 1apraise of His glory who have 2first hoped in Christ.

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