The Church in Tampa

April 21, 2018

Philippians 3:17  Philippians 4:20

17 Be aimitators together of me, brothers, and observe those who thus walk even as you have us as a bpattern.

18 For 1many walk, of whom I have told you often and now tell you even aweeping, that they are the enemies of the 2bcross of Christ,

19 1Whose end is adestruction, whose god is their bstomach, and whose glory is in their cshame, who dset their minds on 2earthly things.

20 For our 1acommonwealth exists in the 2bheavens, from which also we eagerly cawait a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,

21 Who will 1atransfigure the 2bbody of our humiliation to be cconformed to the 3body of His dglory, 4according to His operation by which He is able even to esubject all things to Himself.


1 So then, my brothers, beloved and alonged for, my 1bjoy and ccrown, 2in the same way dstand firm in the Lord, beloved.

2 I exhort Euodias, and I exhort Syntyche, to 1athink the same thing in the Lord.

3 Yes, I ask you also, genuine 1yokefellow, 2assist them, since they 3contended with me in the gospel, as well as with Clement and the rest of my afellow workers, whose bnames are in the 4cbook of life.

4 1aRejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.

5 1Let your 2forbearance be known to all men. The Lord is 3anear.

6 In nothing 1be aanxious, but in everything, by 2bprayer and petition 3with cthanksgiving, let your requests be made known 4to God;

7 And the 1apeace of God, which bsurpasses every man’s understanding, will 2cguard your 3hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brothers, what things are 1true, what things are 2dignified, what things are 3righteous, what things are 4apure, what things are 5lovely, what things are 6bwell spoken of, if there is any 7cvirtue and if any 8praise, 9take account of these things.

9 The things which you have also learned and 1areceived and heard and 2seen in me, 3practice these things; and the 4bGod of peace will be with you.

10 But I arejoiced in the Lord greatly because now at length you have caused your thinking for me to 1blossom anew; for which matter you had indeed taken thought, but lacked opportunity.

11 Not that I speak according to alack, for I have learned, in whatever circumstances I am, to be 1bcontent.

12 I know also how to be 1abased, and I know how to 2abound; 3in everything and in all things 4I have learned the secret both to be 5filled and to ahunger, both to 6abound and to 7black.

13 I am able to do all things 1in Him who 2aempowers me.

14 Nevertheless you did well to have 1afellowship with me in my 2affliction.

15 And you yourselves also know, Philippians, that in the beginning of the agospel, when I bwent out from cMacedonia, no church had 1fellowship with me in the 2daccount of 3giving and receiving except 4you only;

16 For even in aThessalonica you sent both once and again to my bneed.

17 Not that I seek the 1gift, but I seek the 2afruit which increases to your 3baccount.

18 But I have received in full all things and abound; I have been 1filled, receiving from aEpaphroditus the 2things from you, a 3sweet-smelling savor, an acceptable 4bsacrifice, well-pleasing to God.

19 And 1my God will 2afill 3your every need 4according to His riches, 5in glory, 6in Christ Jesus.

20 Now to 1our God and Father be the 2aglory forever and ever. 3Amen.

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