
Week of December 15, 2024



Lord’s Day    10:00 a.m.    Lord’s table and prophesying meeting at the hall

Lord’s Day      1:30 p.m.    Hall cleaning by the saints with last names of K – P

Tuesday          7:30 p.m.    Corporate prayer meetings at the hall in person and on Zoom



HWMR: Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1), Week 12, $5.00 each             Dec. 16 – 22

Read Life-Study of Matthew, Messages 35 & 36                                                                            Dec. 16 – 22

Read The Economy of GodChapter 20                                                                                           Dec. 16 – 22

December 2024 Semiannual Video Training, Tampa, Dec. 25 – Jan. 11, $155 each due by  Dec. 22

Love feast and service group’s fellowship and coordination                                                  Dec. 22

December 2024 Semiannual Training, Anaheim                                                                           Dec. 23 – 28


The archived messages of the 2024 International Thanksgiving Blending Conference are available to view at the LSM Webcast site,  It will not require login credentials to access the site. The archived messages will be accessible for free until December 31, 2024, 30 days after the conference. After the 30-day period, all conference messages will be available with a subscription or payment at You can also download the conference outlines from                                                                            



        “Now I would like to show you the most comprehensive way to read the Bible based on the experience of believers throughout the ages. There are three methods to do this.

1) Being Nourished Daily in Our Spiritual Life by Pray-reading Two or Three Verses Sequentially through a Book of the Bible Every Morning for Ten to Fifteen Minutes
…pray-read, that is, speak to the Lord directly with His word and pray His word into you…get up fifteen minutes earlier. Whoever is willing can do it…it will become your habit…helps you to retain the Lord’s word in your heart easily. During the day you can “chew” on these words again and again, digesting and receiving the Lord’s supply from them…it is the most necessary [way].

2) Studying a Book of the Bible in Depth for Thirty Minutes Every Day
…an accurate understanding in reading the Bible depends on the reader’s degree of knowledge of the Bible. For this reason we have to receive the teaching, and continuously dig deeper into the Bible.

3) Speed-reading Three Chapters of the Old Testament and One Chapter of the New Testament for Fifteen Minutes Every Day
…The best time to do this is after lunch. You should read four chapters each time in a sequential way—three in the Old Testament starting from Genesis and one in the New Testament starting from Matthew…you do not need to try to understand. Simply read through the chapters quickly.” (The Vision of the Divine Dispensing and Guidelines for the Practice of the New Way,” Ch. 7)

              “I have the assurance that if you would get into the Life-study messages continually, you will be different after fifty days. Any message from any book,… is good for your study. Just go to the Life-study messages. I hope that the Lord would really have mercy upon us that we do not hold any kind of personal feeling or individualistic opinion. We must be those who solely take care of the interest of the Lord’s recovery and the benefit of all the dear saints who have come into the Lord’s recovery. We only care for this.
              We must do our best to get ourselves into these truths and to get these truths constituted into our being. This cannot be done within a short time, but this must be our practice. I also am burdened that all the leading ones, either the elders or the serving ones taking some kind of lead, should have a real burden to pray for the saints in your locality that the Lord may stir up their interest, their seeking heart, and their spirit to seek after the Lord in His truth. The truth is nowhere but in the Bible, yet the Bible needs an opener. We need to lead the saints into the real, right, and proper realization of the need of the Bible and also of the help of the Life-study messages and the Recovery Version.” (Elder’s Training, Book 3, p. 105)