March 5, 2018

Posted on March 5, 2018

March 5, 2018

1 Corinthians 1:19  1 Corinthians 2:10

19 For it is written, a“I will destroy the wisdom of the 1bwise, and the understanding of those who understand I will set aside.”

20 Where is the awise? Where is the 1bscribe? Where is the disputer of cthis age? Has not God made the wisdom of the world dfoolish?

21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know God, God 1was well pleased through the afoolishness of the 2preaching to bsave those who believe.

22 For indeed Jews require 1asigns and Greeks seek wisdom,

23 But we apreach 1Christ bcrucified, to Jews a cstumbling block, and to Gentiles dfoolishness,

24 But to 1those who are acalled, both bJews and Greeks, Christ the 2cpower of God and the dwisdom of God.

25 Because the afoolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

26 For consider your calling, brothers, that there are not many awise according to flesh, not many powerful, not many 1wellborn.

27 But God has 1achosen the foolish things of the bworld that He might shame those who are wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the bworld that He might shame the things that are strong,

28 And the 1lowborn things of the world and the 2despised things God has chosen, things which 3aare not, that He might bbring to nought the 4things which are,

29 1So that no flesh may aboast before God.

30 But 1aof Him you are bin Christ Jesus, who became cwisdom to us from God: both 2drighteousness and esanctification and fredemption,

31 That as it is written, a“He who boasts, let him bboast in the Lord.”



1 And I, when I acame to you, brothers, came not according to 1excellence of bspeech or of wisdom, announcing to you the 2cmystery of God.

2 For I did 1not determine to know anything among you except 2Jesus aChrist, and 2this One bcrucified.

3 And I was with you in 1aweakness and in 2bfear and in much trembling;

4 And my aspeech and my proclamation were not in 1persuasive words of wisdom but in demonstration of the bSpirit and of cpower,

5 In order that your faith would not 1stand in the 2wisdom of men but in the apower of God.

6 But we do speak wisdom among those who are afull-grown, yet a bwisdom not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, who are being 1cbrought to nought;

7 But we speak 1God’s wisdom in a amystery, the wisdom which has been hidden, which God bpredestined 2before the cages for our 3dglory,

8 Which none of the arulers of this age have known; for if they had known, they would not have bcrucified the cLord of glory;

9 But as it is written, a“Things which 1eye has not seen and ear has not heard and which have not bcome up 2in man’s heart; things which God has cprepared for those who 3dlove Him.”

10 But to us God has 1arevealed them through the bSpirit, for the Spirit 2searches all things, even the 3cdepths of God.

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