March 26, 2018

Posted on March 26, 2018

March 26, 2018

2 Corinthians 3:12  2 Corinthians 4:15

12 Therefore since we have such 1hope, we use much 2aboldness,

13 And are not like Moses, who put a aveil on his face so that the sons of Israel would not gaze 1at the end of that which was being done away with.

14 But their 1athoughts were bhardened; for until the present day the same veil remains at the creading of the old covenant, 2it not being unveiled to them that the veil is being done away with in Christ.

15 Indeed unto this day, whenever 1Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart;

16 But whenever 1their heart turns to the Lord, the aveil is taken away.

17 1And the 2Lord is the 3aSpirit; and where the 4bSpirit of the Lord is, there is 5cfreedom.

18 1But 2we all with 3unveiled face, 4abeholding and reflecting like a 5bmirror the 6cglory of the Lord, are 7being dtransformed into the 8same eimage 9from glory to fglory, even as 10from the 11Lord Spirit.


1 1Therefore having 2this aministry as we have been shown 3bmercy, we do cnot lose heart;

2 But we have renounced the hidden things of ashame, not walking in bcraftiness nor 1cadulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of the 2dtruth ecommending ourselves to every fconscience of men before God.

3 And even if our gospel is 1veiled, it is aveiled in those who are bperishing,

4 In whom the 1agod of bthis age has 2cblinded the 3dthoughts of the unbelievers that the 4eillumination of the gospel of the fglory of Christ, who is the gimage of God, might not 5shine on them.

5 1For we do not apreach ourselves but Christ Jesus as 2bLord, and ourselves as your 3cslaves for Jesus’ sake.

6 1Because the God who said, Out of adarkness blight shall shine, is the One who shined 2in 3our chearts to 4dilluminate the knowledge of the eglory of God in the 5face of Jesus Christ.

7 1But we have this 2atreasure in earthen bvessels that the 3cexcellency of the dpower may be of God and not out of us.

8 We are 1pressed on aevery side but not 2constricted; unable to find a way out but not butterly without a way out;

9 1aPersecuted but not 2babandoned; 3cast down but cnot 4destroyed;

10 Always bearing about ain the body the 1bputting to cdeath of Jesus 2that the 3life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

11 For we who are alive are always being delivered unto adeath for Jesus’ sake that the blife of 1Jesus also may be manifested in our cmortal 2flesh.

12 So then adeath operates in us, but 1life in you.

13 And having the 1same 2aspirit of bfaith according to that which is written, c“I believed, therefore I spoke,” we also believe, therefore we also speak,

14 Knowing that He who araised the Lord Jesus will 1braise us also with Jesus and will cmake us stand before Him with you.

15 For aall things are bfor your sakes that the 1cgrace which has abounded through the greater number may cause the dthanksgiving to abound to the eglory of God.

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