April 5, 2018

Posted on April 5, 2018

April 5, 2018

Galatians 1:1  Galatians 1:24

1 1aPaul, an bapostle 2c(not from men nor through man but dthrough Jesus Christ and God the Father, who 3eraised Him from the dead),

2 And all the 1abrothers who are with me, to the 2bchurches of cGalatia:

3 1aGrace to you and 2bpeace from God cour Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,

4 Who agave Himself for our bsins that He might 1rescue us out of the present evil 2cage according to the dwill of our God and Father,

5 To whom be the aglory forever and ever. Amen.

6 I marvel that you are so quickly 1removing from Him who has acalled you 2in the 3bgrace of Christ to a 4cdifferent gospel,

7 Which is 1not another gospel, only there are 2some who atrouble you and desire to 3pervert the gospel of Christ.

8 But if even we or an aangel out of heaven should announce to you a gospel beyond that which we have announced to you, let him be baccursed.

9 As we have said before, now also I say again, If anyone announces to you a gospel beyond that which you have received, let him be accursed.

10 For am I now 1trying to win the assent of men or of God? Or am I seeking to aplease men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bslave of Christ.

11 For I make known to you, abrothers, concerning the bgospel announced by me, that it is cnot according to man.

12 For 1neither did I receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but I areceived it through a 2brevelation by Jesus Christ.

13 For you have heard of my manner of life aformerly in 1Judaism, that I bpersecuted the cchurch of God excessively and dravaged it.

14 And I aadvanced in Judaism beyond many contemporaries in my race, being more abundantly a bzealot for the 1ctraditions of my dfathers.

15 But when it apleased God, who 1set me apart 2from my mother’s bwomb and 3ccalled me through His 4dgrace,

16 To 1areveal His 2bSon 3in me that I might announce 4Him as the gospel among the 5cGentiles, immediately I did 6not confer with 7dflesh and blood,

17 aNeither did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went away to 1bArabia and again returned to cDamascus.

18 Then after three years I went up to aJerusalem to 1visit bCephas, and I remained with him fifteen days.

19 But I saw none of the other apostles 1except aJames, the brother of the Lord.

20 Now concerning the things which I am writing to you, behold, before God, I am anot lying.

21 Then I went into the regions of 1aSyria and bCilicia.

22 Yet I was still 1unknown by face to the achurches of Judea, which are bin Christ.

23 But they 1only heard this: He who was formerly apersecuting us is now announcing as the gospel the 2bfaith which formerly he cravaged.

24 And they aglorified God because of me.

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