April 8, 2018

Posted on April 8, 2018

April 8, 2018

Galatians 3:15  Galatians 4:14

15 Brothers, I speak aaccording to man, though it is a man’s covenant, yet when it has been ratified, no one nullifies it or makes additions to it.

16 But ato Abraham were the bpromises spoken and cto his seed. He does not say, “And to the seeds,” as concerning many, but as concerning one: “And to your dseed,” who is 1eChrist.

17 And I say this: A 1covenant previously ratified by God, the 2law, having come 3afour hundred and thirty years after, does not annul so as to make the bpromise of none effect.

18 For if the 1ainheritance is of law, it is no longer of promise; but to Abraham God has graciously given it through bpromise.

19 Why then the alaw? It was 1added because of the btransgressions until the cseed should come to whom the promise was made, it being 2ordained through dangels in the hand of a 3emediator.

20 But a 1amediator is not a mediator for one, but God is bone.

21 Is then the law against the promises of God? aAbsolutely not! For if a law had been given which was able to 1give life, 2brighteousness would have indeed been of law.

22 But the Scripture has 1ashut up 2all under bsin in order that the cpromise out of 3dfaith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who ebelieve.

23 But before 1afaith came we were 2bguarded cunder law, being 3dshut up 4unto the 1afaith which was to be revealed.

24 So then the alaw has become our 1child-conductor unto bChrist that we might be justified out of cfaith.

25 But since afaith has come, we are 1no longer bunder a child-conductor.

26 For you are all 1asons of God through 2bfaith cin Christ Jesus.

27 For as many of you as were abaptized 1into Christ have bput on Christ.

28 There 1cannot be 2aJew nor Greek, there cannot be 3slave nor free man, there cannot be 4bmale and female; for you are all 5cone din Christ Jesus.

29 And if you are of aChrist, then you are 1Abraham’s bseed, cheirs according to 2dpromise.


1 But I say, As long as the aheir is a 1child, he does not differ at all from a bslave, though he is lord of all;

2 But he is aunder 1bguardians and cstewards until the 2dtime appointed by the father.

3 So also we, when we were children, were kept in aslavery under the 1belements of the world;

4 But when the 1fullness of the atime came, God bsent forth His cSon, born of a 2dwoman, born under 3elaw,

5 That He might 1aredeem those under law that we might receive the 2bsonship.

6 And because you are asons, God has bsent forth the 1cSpirit of His Son into our 2hearts, 3crying, 4dAbba, Father!

7 So then you are 1no longer a aslave but a son; and if a 2son, an 3bheir also 4through God.

8 However at that time, anot knowing God, you were bslaves to the cgods which by 1nature are not gods;

9 But now, having come to aknow God, or rather having been bknown by God, how is it that you turn again to the cweak and poor delements, to which you desire to 1be eenslaved yet again?

10 You observe 1adays and 2months and 3seasons and 4years;

11 I fear for you, alest I have labored upon you in 1vain.

12 Become 1as I am, because I also am 2as you are, brothers, I beseech you; you have 3not wronged me at all.

13 And you know that 1because of weakness of my flesh I aannounced the gospel to you the first time.

14 And that which was a trial to you in my flesh you did not despise nor 1loathe, but you areceived me as an bangel of God, indeed as Christ Jesus.

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