2 Timothy


May 10, 2018

2 Timothy 4:19  Titus 2:8

19 Greet Prisca and aAquila and the house of bOnesiphorus.

20 aErastus remained in bCorinth, and cTrophimus I left at 1dMiletus 2sick.

21 Be diligent to come before awinter. Eubulus greets you, as well as Pudens and Linus and Claudia and all the brothers.

22 The Lord be with your 1aspirit. 2bGrace be with you.


1 Paul, a aslave of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ baccording to the 1cfaith of God’s 2dchosen ones and the 3efull knowledge of the truth, which is 4faccording to godliness,

2 In the 1ahope of 2beternal life, which God, who ccannot lie, 3dpromised 4before the etimes of the ages

3 But in 1aits own times bmanifested 2His cword in the dproclamation with which I was eentrusted faccording to the 3command of our fSavior God;

4 To aTitus, genuine bchild caccording to the 1common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.

5 For this cause I left you in aCrete, that you might set in order the things which I have begun that remain and appoint belders in 1cevery city, as I ddirected you:

6 aIf anyone is bunreprovable, the 1husband of one wife, having believing children not accused of cdissoluteness or dunruly.

7 For the 1aoverseer must be unreprovable as a bsteward of God, not cself-willed, 2not quick tempered, 3not an excessive drinker, 4not a striker, 5not greedy for base gain;

8 But 1hospitable, a alover of good, 2of a sober mind, righteous, 3holy, self-controlled;

9 1aHolding to the 2bfaithful word, which is according to the 3teaching of the apostles, that he may be able both to exhort by the 4chealthy teaching and to 5convict 6those who doppose.

10 For there are many aunruly men, bvain talkers and cdeceivers, especially 1dthose of the circumcision,

11 Whose mouths must be 1stopped, who overthrow whole ahouseholds, teaching bthings 2cfor the sake of base gain, which they ought not to do.

12 One from among 1themselves, a 2aprophet of their own, said, bCretans are always liars, evil beasts, idle 3gluttons.

13 This testimony is true; for which cause 1areprove them 2bseverely that they may be 3chealthy in the 4faith,

14 Not paying attention to Jewish 1amyths and the 2bcommandments of men who 3cturn away from the 4dtruth.

15 1All things are apure to the pure; yet to those who are 2defiled and unbelieving bnothing is pure, but both their 3cmind and their conscience are 2defiled.

16 They 1profess to know God, but by their works they adeny Him, being babominable and cdisobedient and, as to every good work, 2ddisapproved.


1 But you, speak the things which are fitting to the 1ahealthy teaching.

2 Exhort aolder men to be 1btemperate, 2cgrave, 3of a dsober mind, 4ehealthy in ffaith, in love, in gendurance;

3 aOlder women likewise to be in 1demeanor as bbefits those who engage in 2sacred things, 3not cslanderers, nor 4denslaved by much wine, 5teachers of what is egood,

4 That they may 1train the young women 2to love their husbands, to love their children,

5 To be of a asober mind, bpure, workers at chome, 1good, dsubject to their own husbands, that the 2eword of God would not be 3blasphemed.

6 The ayounger men likewise exhort to be of a bsober mind,

7 Concerning all things 1presenting yourself as a apattern of good works: in your teaching showing incorruption, 2bgravity,

8 aHealthy speech that cannot be 1condemned, that 2he who bopposes may be put to cshame, having 3nothing evil to say about us.

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May 9, 2018

2 Timothy 4:1  2 Timothy 4:16

1 I solemnly acharge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is to 1bjudge the living and the dead, and by 2His cappearing and His dkingdom:

2 Proclaim the 1aword; 2be ready 3in season and out of season; bconvict, 4rebuke, cexhort with 5all dlong-suffering and eteaching.

3 For the 1atime will come when they will not tolerate the 2bhealthy teaching; but according to their own lusts they will heap up to themselves teachers, having 3itching ears,

4 And they will 1aturn away their ear from the 2truth and will be turned aside to 3bmyths.

5 But you, be asober in all things, bsuffer evil, do the work of an cevangelist, 1fully accomplish your 2dministry.

6 For I am already being 1apoured out, and the time of my 2bdeparture is at hand.

7 I have 1afought the good fight; I have 2bfinished the course; I have kept the cfaith.

8 Henceforth there is 1laid up for me the 2acrown of brighteousness, with which the Lord, the 3crighteous Judge, will drecompense me in 4ethat day, and not only me but also all those who have floved His 5gappearing.

9 Be diligent to acome to me quickly;

10 For aDemas has babandoned me, having 1cloved the dpresent age, and has gone to eThessalonica; Crescens to fGalatia; gTitus to 2Dalmatia.

11 aLuke alone is with me. Take bMark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for the cministry.

12 But aTychicus I have sent to bEphesus.

13 The 1cloak which I left in 2aTroas with Carpus, bring when you come, and the 3scrolls, especially the parchments.

14 aAlexander the coppersmith did many evil things to me; the Lord will brecompense him according to his works.

15 You also guard against him, for he greatly opposed our words.

16 At my first defense no one was with me to support me, but all aabandoned me. May it not be counted against them.

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May 8, 2018

2 Timothy 2:16  2 Timothy 3:17

16 But aavoid 1bprofane, cvain babblings, for they will advance to more 2dungodliness,

17 And their word will 1spread like 2gangrene, of whom are aHymenaeus and Philetus,

18 Who concerning the 1atruth have 2bmisaimed, saying that the cresurrection has 3already taken place, and overthrow the 4dfaith of some.

19 However the firm 1afoundation of God stands, having this 2bseal, The Lord cknows those who are His, and, Let everyone who dnames the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness.

20 1But in a 2great house there are not only 3gold and silver vessels but also 4wooden and earthen; and some are unto ahonor, and some unto dishonor.

21 If therefore anyone 1cleanses himself from 2athese, he will be a bvessel 3unto honor, csanctified, duseful to the master, eprepared unto every good work.

22 But aflee youthful 1lusts, and bpursue 2righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who 3ccall on the Lord out of a 4dpure heart.

23 But 1afoolish bquestionings and those arising from an 2untrained mind refuse, knowing that they beget contentions.

24 But a aslave of the Lord ought bnot to contend but be gentle toward all, apt to cteach, bearing with wrong;

25 In ameekness correcting those who boppose, if perhaps God may give them 1crepentance unto the 2dfull knowledge of the truth,

26 And they may 1areturn to soberness out of the 2bsnare of the 3devil, having been caught alive by him, unto 4cHis will.


1 1But know this, that in the 2last days 3difficult atimes will come.

2 For 1men will be 2lovers of self, alovers of money, bboasters, 3arrogant, 4crevilers, bdisobedient to parents, 5unthankful, dunholy,

3 aWithout natural affection, 1implacable, bslanderers, cwithout self-control, savage, cnot lovers of good,

4 1aTraitors, 2reckless, 3bblinded with pride, 4lovers of cpleasure rather than dlovers of God,

5 Having an 1outward aform of bgodliness, though cdenying its 2power; from these also dturn away.

6 For of these are those who acreep into bhouses and take captive silly women heaped with sins, who are led by cvarious desires

7 And are always learning yet never able to come to the 1afull knowledge of the truth.

8 And in the manner that 1Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these also aoppose the 2btruth; men ccorrupted in mind, 3ddisapproved concerning the 4efaith.

9 But they will not aadvance farther, for their 1folly will be completely manifest to all, as also the folly of 2those became.

10 But you have aclosely followed my teaching, 1conduct, 2bpurpose, faith, long-suffering, love, endurance,

11 aPersecutions, sufferings, such as befell me in bAntioch, in cIconium, in 1dLystra. Such persecutions I bore, and out of them all the Lord edelivered me.

12 And indeed all who 1desire to 2live agodly in Christ Jesus will be bpersecuted.

13 But evil men and 1impostors will grow worse and worse, adeceiving and being deceived.

14 But you, 1continue in the 2things which you have learned and have been assured of, knowing from which ones you have learned them

15 1And that afrom a babe you have known the bsacred writings, which are able to make you cwise unto dsalvation through the 2faith which is in Christ Jesus.

16 1All aScripture is 2God-breathed and profitable for bteaching, for 3conviction, for 4correction, for 5instruction in righteousness,

17 That the 1aman of God may be 2complete, fully 3bequipped for every good work.

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May 7, 2018

2 Timothy 1:3  2 Timothy 2:15

3 I thank God, whom I 1aserve 2from my bforefathers in a 3cpure conscience, while unceasingly I have remembrance concerning you in my petitions dnight and day,

4 aLonging to see you, remembering your btears, that I may be cfilled with joy;

5 Having been reminded of the aunfeigned faith in you, which 1dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your bmother Eunice, and I am persuaded dwells also in you.

6 For which cause I remind you to 1fan into flame the agift of God, which is in you through the 2blaying on of my hands.

7 For God has not given us a 1aspirit of bcowardice, but 2of cpower and of dlove and of esobermindedness.

8 1Therefore do 2not be aashamed of the btestimony of our Lord nor of me cHis prisoner; but dsuffer evil with the 3egospel 4according to the fpower of God;

9 Who has saved us and 1acalled us with a holy calling, not according to our bworks but according to His own 2cpurpose and dgrace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus 3before the etimes of the ages

10 But now has been 1amanifested through the bappearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who 2nullified cdeath and brought 3dlife and 4eincorruption to light through the gospel,

11 For 1which I was aappointed a 2herald and an apostle and a teacher.

12 For which 1cause also I asuffer these things; but I am 2not bashamed, for I know 3whom I have cbelieved, and I am persuaded that He is able to dguard 4my edeposit unto 5fthat day.

13 aHold a 1pattern of the 2bhealthy words that you have cheard from me, in the 3dfaith and love which are in Christ Jesus.

14 aGuard the good 1deposit through the Holy bSpirit who 2dwells in us.

15 This you know, that all who are in 1aAsia 2bturned away from me, of whom are 3Phygelus and Hermogenes.

16 May the Lord grant amercy to the house of 1bOnesiphorus, for he often crefreshed me and was not dashamed of my echain;

17 But being in aRome, he sought me out diligently and found me.

18 May the Lord grant him to find amercy from the Lord in 1bthat day. And in how many things he served me in cEphesus, you know best.


1 You therefore, my achild, be 1bempowered in the 2cgrace which is in Christ Jesus;

2 And the 1things which you have aheard from me through many bwitnesses, these 2ccommit to 3dfaithful men, who will be competent to eteach others also.

3 aSuffer evil with me as a good 1bsoldier of Christ Jesus.

4 No one serving as a soldier 1aentangles himself with the baffairs of this 2life, that he may please the one who enlisted him.

5 And also if anyone 1acontends in the games, he is not 2bcrowned unless he contends lawfully.

6 The laboring 1afarmer must be the first to partake of the fruit.

7 Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in all things.

8 Remember Jesus Christ, 1araised from the dead, of the 2bseed of David, according to 3cmy gospel,

9 In which I asuffer evil unto bbonds as a ccriminal; but the dword of God is 1not bound.

10 Therefore I aendure all things for the sake of the 1bchosen ones, that they themselves also may obtain the csalvation which is in Christ Jesus 2with deternal glory.

11 aFaithful is the word: 1For if we 2bdied with Him, we will also 3clive with Him;

12 If we 1aendure, we will also 2breign with Him; if we cdeny Him, He also will 3deny us;

13 If we are afaithless, He remains 1faithful, for He 2bcannot deny Himself.

14 Remind them of these things, solemnly acharging them before God not to have bcontentions of words, which is cuseful for nothing, to the 1ruin of those who hear.

15 Be diligent to apresent yourself bapproved to God, an unashamed workman, 1cutting straight the cword of the 2dtruth.

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May 6, 2018

1 Timothy 6:1  2 Timothy 1:2

1 As many as are aslaves under the yoke should regard their own masters as worthy of all honor, lest the bname of God and 1our cteaching be 2blasphemed.

2 And those who have believing masters should not despise them, because they are abrothers; but rather they should 1serve them, because those who recompense them for the kindly service received are believers and beloved. These things bteach and cexhort.

3 If anyone teaches 1adifferent things and does not consent to 2bhealthy words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the teaching which is according to 3cgodliness,

4 He is 1ablinded with pride, understanding bnothing, but is 2diseased with cquestionings and dcontentions of words, out of which come eenvy, fstrife, 3slanders, evil suspicions,

5 1Perpetual wranglings of men acorrupted in mind and 2deprived of the 3truth, 4supposing bgodliness to be a means of cgain.

6 But agodliness with 1bcontentment is 2cgreat gain;

7 For 1we have brought anothing into the world, because bneither can we carry anything out.

8 But having afood and 1covering, with these we will be 2bcontent.

9 But those who 1intend to be arich fall into temptation and a bsnare and many foolish and harmful 2desires, which 3plunge men into 4destruction and ruin.

10 For the alove of money is 1a root of all evils, because of which some, 2aspiring after money, have 3been bled away from the 4cfaith and pierced themselves through with many pains.

11 But you, O 1aman of God, bflee these things, and cpursue 2drighteousness, 3egodliness, 4ffaith, 5love, 6endurance, 7meekness.

12 1aFight the good fight of the bfaith; lay chold on the 2eternal life, 3to which you were dcalled and have 4econfessed the good confession before many fwitnesses.

13 I acharge you before God, who preserves all things in life, and Christ Jesus, who btestified the good confession before cPontius Pilate,

14 To keep 1the commandment spotless, awithout reproach, until the 2bappearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,

15 1Which in aits own times 2the bblessed and conly Sovereign will show, the dKing of those who reign as kings and eLord of those who rule as lords,

16 Who alone has aimmortality, dwelling in unapproachable blight, whom cno man has seen nor can see, to whom be dhonor and eternal emight. Amen.

17 aCharge those who are rich in the bpresent age not to be chigh-minded, nor to set their dhope on the euncertainty of riches but on God, who faffords us all things grichly for our enjoyment;

18 To do 1agood, to be 2brich in good works, to be ready to cdistribute, to be ones willing to share;

19 aLaying away for themselves a good bfoundation as a ctreasure for the 1future, that they may lay dhold on 2that which is really life.

20 O Timothy, aguard the 1deposit, bturning away from cprofane, dvain babblings and oppositions from 2what is falsely called knowledge,

21 Because of which some, professing this, have 1amisaimed regarding the bfaith. cGrace be with you.


1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through the awill of God baccording to the 1cpromise of dlife, which is in Christ Jesus,

2 To Timothy, beloved achild: Grace, 1bmercy, peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

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