

May 12, 2018

Philemon 1:1  Hebrews 1:3

1 Paul, a aprisoner of Christ Jesus, and bTimothy the brother, to Philemon our beloved and cfellow worker

2 And to 1Apphia the asister and to 1bArchippus our cfellow soldier and to the 2dchurch, which is in your house:

3 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

4 I athank my God always, making bmention of you in my prayers,

5 Hearing of your 1love and the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and to all the saints,

6 That the fellowship of your faith may become effective in the 1full aknowledge of 2every good thing which is in 3you 4for Christ.

7 1For I had much ajoy and bencouragement over your love, because the 2cinward parts of the saints have been 3drefreshed through you, ebrother.

8 Therefore though I have much aboldness in Christ to bcharge you what is cfitting,

9 Because of love I rather aentreat, being such a one as Paul 1the aged and now also a 2bprisoner of Christ Jesus.

10 I entreat you concerning my achild, whom I have 1bbegotten in my cbonds, 2dOnesimus,

11 Who formerly was 1useless to you but now is 2useful both to you and to me.

12 Him I have sent back to you — him, that is, my 1very heart —

13 Whom I intended to keep with myself that on your behalf he might minister to me in the abonds of the gospel.

14 But 1without your mind I did not want to do anything, that your goodness would anot be as of necessity, but bvoluntary.

15 1For 2perhaps for this reason he was separated from you for but an hour, that you might 3fully have him forever,

16 1No longer as a aslave, but 2above a slave, a 3beloved bbrother, especially to me, but how much more to you, 4both cin the flesh and in the Lord.

17 If then 1you hold me as a 2apartner, receive him as myself.

18 And if he has 1wronged you in anything or owes anything, charge that to 2my account.

19 I, Paul, have written with my aown hand: I will 1repay; not to say to you that you owe me even 2your own self besides.

20 Yes, abrother, may I have 1profit from you in the Lord; 2brefresh my 3inward parts in Christ.

21 Having aconfidence in your obedience, I have written to you, knowing that you will do even beyond the things that I say.

22 And at the same time also prepare me a alodging, for I 1hope that through your bprayers I will be 2graciously cgiven to you.

23 1aEpaphras, my bfellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, greets you;

24 As do aMark, bAristarchus, cDemas, dLuke, my efellow workers.

25 The 1agrace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your 2bspirit.


1 1God, having aspoken of old in 2many portions and in many ways to the fathers in the prophets,

2 Has at the 1last of these days spoken to us in the 2aSon, 3whom He appointed 4bHeir of all things, cthrough whom also He made the 5duniverse;

3 Who, being the 1effulgence of His glory and the aimpress of His bsubstance and upholding and bearing all things by the 2word of His power, having made 3purification of sins, 4csat down on the right hand of the 5dMajesty on 6high;

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