

May 11, 2018

Titus 2:9  Titus 3:15

9 Exhort 1aslaves to be subject to their own masters in all things, to be well pleasing, not contradicting,

10 Not pilfering, but showing all good 1faithfulness that they may 2adorn the teaching of our 3aSavior God in all things.

11 1For the 2agrace of God, 3bringing salvation to ball men, has 4cappeared,

12 Training us that, denying 1aungodliness and 2bworldly lusts, we should live 3csoberly and 4drighteously and egodly in the fpresent age,

13 1aAwaiting the 2blessed hope, even the bappearing of the 3cglory of our 4great dGod and Savior, Jesus Christ,

14 Who agave Himself 1for us that He might 2bredeem us cfrom all lawlessness and dpurify to Himself a 3particular epeople as His unique possession, fzealous of good works.

15 1These things speak, and aexhort and 2bconvict with all 3cauthority. 4Let no one ddespise you.



1 Remind them to be 1asubject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be bready unto every good work,

2 To aslander no one, to be 1buncontentious, 2cgentle, showing all dmeekness toward all men.

3 For we also 1were aonce foolish, bdisobedient, cdeceived, serving as dslaves evarious 2lusts and fpleasures, spending our lives in gmalice and henvy, hateful, hating one another.

4 But when the 1akindness and the blove to man of our cSavior God dappeared,

5 Not out of 1aworks in brighteousness which we did but according to His 2cmercy He dsaved us, through the 3ewashing of 4fregeneration and the grenewing of the 5Holy hSpirit,

6 Whom He 1apoured out upon us brichly through Jesus Christ our Savior,

7 1In order that having been ajustified by 2His bgrace, we might become 3cheirs according to the dhope of eeternal life.

8 aFaithful is 1the word, and concerning 2these things I desire you to 3bconfidently affirm, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to maintain crespectable works. These things are good and profitable to men.

9 But 1aavoid foolish 2bquestionings and 3cgenealogies and 4dstrifes and 5econtentions about the 6flaw, for they are gunprofitable and 7hvain.

10 A 1afactious man, after a first and second badmonition, 2crefuse,

11 Knowing that such a one is 1perverted and is asinning, though he is condemned by his own self.

12 When I send Artemas to you or aTychicus, be diligent to bcome to me at 1cNicopolis, for I have decided to spend the dwinter there.

13 1Zenas the 2alawyer and bApollos csend forward diligently that nothing may be lacking to them.

14 And let those also who are ours learn to maintain arespectable works for their necessary bneeds, that they may not be cunfruitful.

15 All who are awith me greet you. Greet those who blove us in 1cfaith. dGrace be with you all.

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May 10, 2018

2 Timothy 4:19  Titus 2:8

19 Greet Prisca and aAquila and the house of bOnesiphorus.

20 aErastus remained in bCorinth, and cTrophimus I left at 1dMiletus 2sick.

21 Be diligent to come before awinter. Eubulus greets you, as well as Pudens and Linus and Claudia and all the brothers.

22 The Lord be with your 1aspirit. 2bGrace be with you.


1 Paul, a aslave of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ baccording to the 1cfaith of God’s 2dchosen ones and the 3efull knowledge of the truth, which is 4faccording to godliness,

2 In the 1ahope of 2beternal life, which God, who ccannot lie, 3dpromised 4before the etimes of the ages

3 But in 1aits own times bmanifested 2His cword in the dproclamation with which I was eentrusted faccording to the 3command of our fSavior God;

4 To aTitus, genuine bchild caccording to the 1common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.

5 For this cause I left you in aCrete, that you might set in order the things which I have begun that remain and appoint belders in 1cevery city, as I ddirected you:

6 aIf anyone is bunreprovable, the 1husband of one wife, having believing children not accused of cdissoluteness or dunruly.

7 For the 1aoverseer must be unreprovable as a bsteward of God, not cself-willed, 2not quick tempered, 3not an excessive drinker, 4not a striker, 5not greedy for base gain;

8 But 1hospitable, a alover of good, 2of a sober mind, righteous, 3holy, self-controlled;

9 1aHolding to the 2bfaithful word, which is according to the 3teaching of the apostles, that he may be able both to exhort by the 4chealthy teaching and to 5convict 6those who doppose.

10 For there are many aunruly men, bvain talkers and cdeceivers, especially 1dthose of the circumcision,

11 Whose mouths must be 1stopped, who overthrow whole ahouseholds, teaching bthings 2cfor the sake of base gain, which they ought not to do.

12 One from among 1themselves, a 2aprophet of their own, said, bCretans are always liars, evil beasts, idle 3gluttons.

13 This testimony is true; for which cause 1areprove them 2bseverely that they may be 3chealthy in the 4faith,

14 Not paying attention to Jewish 1amyths and the 2bcommandments of men who 3cturn away from the 4dtruth.

15 1All things are apure to the pure; yet to those who are 2defiled and unbelieving bnothing is pure, but both their 3cmind and their conscience are 2defiled.

16 They 1profess to know God, but by their works they adeny Him, being babominable and cdisobedient and, as to every good work, 2ddisapproved.


1 But you, speak the things which are fitting to the 1ahealthy teaching.

2 Exhort aolder men to be 1btemperate, 2cgrave, 3of a dsober mind, 4ehealthy in ffaith, in love, in gendurance;

3 aOlder women likewise to be in 1demeanor as bbefits those who engage in 2sacred things, 3not cslanderers, nor 4denslaved by much wine, 5teachers of what is egood,

4 That they may 1train the young women 2to love their husbands, to love their children,

5 To be of a asober mind, bpure, workers at chome, 1good, dsubject to their own husbands, that the 2eword of God would not be 3blasphemed.

6 The ayounger men likewise exhort to be of a bsober mind,

7 Concerning all things 1presenting yourself as a apattern of good works: in your teaching showing incorruption, 2bgravity,

8 aHealthy speech that cannot be 1condemned, that 2he who bopposes may be put to cshame, having 3nothing evil to say about us.

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